Pan-EU network of digital education passport centres in higher education
About EU-TeachPaaS
EU-TeachPaaS complies with the priority area “Innovative practices in a digital era” by supporting the taking up of digital technologies and of innovative and open pedagogies in higher education. This is done by developing 3 main trainings (OERs: Digital learning crash-course for students, Digital teaching toolkit for lecturers and Digital operations training for university administrators) that contain innovative educational technologies and pedagogies.
By adopting this trilateral approach, EU-TeachPaaS aims to achieve a holistic and systemic result towards boosting the digital readiness of universities leading therefore to a wider use of digital technologies and open pedagogies in online learning. EU-TeachPaaS will heavily rely on European frameworks on digital competences (i.e. DigComp, DigCompEdu) as the project will launch 6 pan-eu certification centres based on these frameworks for lecturers, students and university administrators. The certification will be based on the training and assessment developed within the project and offered for free to the community via OERs, open textbooks, free educational software (game/simulation based assessment, etc).
EU-TeachPaaS is a highly-dynamic and flexible consortium that responds in a short time with the development of such solutions and is dedicated to provide a substantial amount of resources into achieving the envisioned outputs. With these efforts, EU-TeachPaas modernises existing capabilities of EU universities to deliver online education (as the developed training is not subject-specific and can be used as universal digital transformation/training framework for universities). By involving a university accreditation body as well as software developers for educational content, EU-TeachPaaS will capitalise the effort of the university and market-partners of its consortium and deliver high-quality digital content that will bring an immediate impact to its uptakers.
EU-TeachPaaS aims to develop a pan-EU network of 6 digital education certification centres in higher education that will provide training and certification for university lecturers, administrators and students operating in online learning by specialising DigCompEdu competences and global innovations for local needs.
University Lecturers
Inability to deliver online education (both synchronous and asynchronous) that would foster connectionism and constructivism; unawareness of enabling a supportive virtual class environment; lack of digital skills to support the curriculum transformation process; inability to incorporate forward-looking digital solutions to support teaching; lack of skills for co-sharing resources and jointly developing high quality universal Open Educational Resource with other lecturers internationally; inability to reach social groups at risk and gender-balance by delivering personalized online education; inability to foster decision making on choosing the right digital resource for each online taught subject.
University administrators
Lack of mechanisms to foster inclusive education to social groups at risk and to students from peripheries; technological shift rejection (behavioural); lack of skills to adopt online learning/education analytics to help them improve their online educational offer delivery and enable constant improvement of their operations; lack of focus on providing DigCompEdu certifications to lecturers and students; lack of digital training/certification centres (within the institutions) that would formally train online education performers (i.e. lecturers and students); lack of skills to properly promote online education (impactfully) to better attract students to this new mode of learning.
Inability to interact with lecturers in an online environment and foster connectionism and constructivism; absence of online learning skills such as being well organized, self-motivated, and possess a high degree of time management skills in order to keep up with the pace of the course (i.e. text-based interaction takes more time); lack of skills to fight the sense of isolation and psychological wellbeing; lack of active learning skills; lack of ability to understand responsible/ethical digital education utilisation.
Building inclusive higher education system
EU-TeachPaaS gives particular attention building inclusive higher education systems via the following actions: promoting gender equality and addressing differences in relation to the access and use by underrepresented groups by including specific guidelines for university lecturers and university administrators in terms of how to include such under-represented groups in the online education framework (i.e. access solutions, development of targeted educational content, etc). Even more, at least 40% of the participants in the project come from under-represented group (and periphery areas) that will be leveraged in the OER development and deployment. Moreover, EU-TeachPaaS takes global best practices and translates them into the local needs and realities in order to provide real solutions as also demonstrated through pilots. Project partner’s core mission is to foster the integration of students/learners from the periphery (with fewer opportunities) into the shift to online education and therefore, EU-TeachPaaS has an innate mission towards inclusivity.
EU-TeachPaaS partners locations
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, Project No 2020-1-ES01-KA226-HE-095035
The contents of this website reflect the views of the EU-TeachPaaS project. The views expressed in the website do not necessarily reflect the views of the EC
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